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  • Writer's pictureKarl Pearsall

New website mean new connections!

Well the other was groaning and I had some time in lockdown to dive in and create using the WIX content management system and I was pleasantly surprised.

Previously we imported products via an industry feed which meant 85k products. To many to take out the ones I did not like much. Whilst impossible to add all the ones I do like with their SKU's. Please do ask if you are looking for anything bespoke as there are only a few on the site as I write. Adding them will be a bit slow, but as we come out of lockdown I'm focusing on what is immediately in demand and that is PPE related.

We are only as good as our suppliers and over 20 years I have built up a lot of really good ones. They have responded incredibly well and daily new PPE related items are arriving to market - Delighted I get to showcase them here first and normally same day so do check back regularly to the product page.

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